маркування дієтичних добавок
Posted by admin on 01.05.2024

There is traditionally a wide range of dietary supplements on the market of Ukraine. They cover many directions of physiological action and have different forms of release. But sometimes, the information on the package about the properties of dietary supplements can confuse consumers, especially if these products were bought in pharmacies.

Therefore, the manufacturer of dietary supplements should pay special attention to labeling. According to the requirements of Ukrainian legislation, all mandatory information about the product must be provided directly on the package or label.

What information is required on the label of dietary supplements?

  • product name – “dietary supplement”;
  • list of ingredients;
  • product composition and quantity in established measurement units;
  • nutritional and energy value of the product;
  • minimum shelf life;
  • terms of storage and use;
  • information about the manufacturer or importer;
  • production batch number and information on the place of origin;
  • information about ingredients that cause allergic reactions or intolerance;
  • for drinks with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 1.2% a.o., the actual alcohol -content of the drink is indicated;
  • instructions for use.

    In addition, in accordance with the Hygienic requirements for dietary supplements, the label should indicate:
  • the name of the categories of individual nutrients or other substances characterizing the product;
  • recommended portion for daily use;
  • warning not to exceed the daily dose;
  • disclaimer that the dietary supplement don’t replace proper nutrition;
  • disclaimer about storing the product in a place inaccessible to children.

So, a correctly labeled dietary supplement for the manufacturer is not only a powerful incentive to enable the consumer to make an informed choice without misleading him, but also a clear compliance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation and a minimization of appeals from control authorities.

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