We take every step with you
MIASphera is a consulting company that provides a western manufacturer of medical consumables, medical products, and medical equipment with access to the European and Ukrainian markets. We guide, accompany and support our client on the way to entering the European and Ukrainian markets for their medical products.
Маркетингові дослідження Miasphera
Documentary support
To conduct any activity, it is necessary to collect technical documents: technical specifications, laboratory research, conclusions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, etc.
Certification of goods
Declaration or certification and the presence of an authorised representative who is a resident of Ukraine are mandatory conditions for bringing products to the Ukrainian market.
Юридичний супровід Miasphera
Legal support
When conducting your business in another country, legal issues may arise that are difficult to resolve without assistance and physical presence. We will help you.
Launching product in to the Ukrainian, European, and American market
Сфера Miasphera
30-A, Sobornosti avenu, office 318,
Kyiv, 02154, Ukraine
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